Charity Initiatives

The Apraemio project is planning to run a variety of charity initiatives, starting with the surrounding area of the exploration site and the region of Mali. All charity campaigns will be published on the website. Once the Apraemio platform has been developed, it will also be available in a separate section dedicated only to charity initiatives and updates. We will save 5% of the total token distribution for charity campaigns. We will introduce the possibility for $APRA holders to vote on which the project will undertake initiatives. Every holder can vote through the platform if they are registered and approved $APRA holders.

In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly created a set of environmental, social and economic goals designed to become the “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”. The Sustainable Development Goals, also called the 17 SDGs, address some of humanity's and our planet's most significant issues. These include poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.

We are initially going to target the following goals:

Goal 1 (No poverty), Goal 2 (Zero hunger), Goal 6 (Clean water and sanitation)

Unfortunately, The African region is suffering from poverty, lack of food and access to clean water - all of which are at the basis of the hierarchy of needs and essential for a healthy, long life. We will commit to resolving these goals, starting with the area of our operational activities and further expanding throughout other regions in Mali and West Africa.

Goal 9 (Industry innovation and infrastructure)

The lack of infrastructure in many regions in West Africa is an issue that, albeit not of the utmost priority, can bring considerable life-quality changes to the inhabitants. It can further help our operational activities and allow us to reach a better overall efficiency.

Goal 13 (Climate action)

We are aware that drilling and mining activities can damage the environment unless it is conducted sustainably. Next to keeping our mining activities up to the highest sustainability standards, we will further run charity campaigns mainly focused on preventing climate change to offset our negative footprint on the environment. We plan to become a zero-net environmental project as soon as possible and expand to climate-positive by providing more sustainability value related to climate change than the harm our operational activities will cause. 50 Apraemio Whitepaper

Goal 15 (Life on land)

We could impair animal life in the vicinity during our drilling and mining activities. We are committed to keeping the impact of our activities on the surrounding life to a minimum and reversing its effects through investments in its preservation. We plan to expand the scope of the charity initiatives outside Mali and throughout Africa in the foreseeable future and focus on some of the most pressing UN’s 17 SDGs we believe we can contribute to.

Last updated